When seeking to reach an online audience with your company’s message, this is the media to employ. I have therefore collated the most current YouTube numbers you should keep an eye on if your business plans to use the platform this year or even if you are already using the platform.

General YouTube Statistics

YouTube Active Monthly Users Statistics

Based on Statistics, YouTube anticipates having 2.6 billion global active users by the year 2022. In terms of overall popularity, only Facebook beats out YouTube in terms of daily active users. As of this writing, there are 2.6 billion registered users. Since videos can be seen without a Google account, such as via WhatsApp’s autoplay feature, YouTube has a larger audience. Marketers will be able to make good use of this YouTube subscriber data in 2022. For advertisers, there is a vast and active market to take advantage of, with more than two billion individuals visiting YouTube every month. In addition, YouTube’s tremendous reach makes it an excellent vehicle for your digital advertising initiatives.

YouTube holds the Highest Penetration among other Social Media Platforms

According to Statista research, about 62% of customers throughout the globe say they watch YouTube videos. Founded in 2005 by three PayPal employees, YouTube has grown at an exponential pace. Google spent 1.65 billion USD on YouTube in 2006, when it purchased the firm. Since its inception, YouTube’s mission has been to simplify the process of finding and sharing videos. Since that time, it’s grown in ways no one could have imagined when it first started out. While it’s no secret that YouTube continues to increase in popularity, YouTube’s current development is influenced by other variables. As a result of its ease of use, YouTube has dominated the market. When it comes to getting started on YouTube, it’s quite easy. Millions of new video creators have taken advantage of YouTube’s user-friendliness and low entry barrier to entry.

YouTube Comes Second Only To Google As the Most Searched Search Engine

In second place behind Google, YouTube is the most popular search engine. Even in terms of monthly searches, Ask.com, AOL, Yahoo, and Microsoft Bing can’t compete with it. Over two billion people browse the internet every month, a third of all internet users. But it’s not as simple as that. One billion hours of video are seen each day by the billions of people who have access to YouTube. The platform has the capacity to reach a big number of individuals because of its extensive popularity. According to the company, the company’s network is able to reach more American mobile users. It’s vital to keep in mind that the YouTube app’s mobile friendliness is one of its most alluring features.

Localization Statistics of YouTube

Despite its enormous popularity, how did YouTube get to the point where it is today? Further research is required to comprehend this properly. YouTube is accessible in more than 100 countries, and it is also available in a variety of languages. There are no geographical or linguistic limitations, making the platform universally applicable. The effect is that more people will stick around and devote more time to the product. Over 80 more languages are also supported. Included in this category include languages such as Azerbaijani, Khmer, and Laotian, as well as more common ones such as English and Spanish. Many YouTube videos are not even written in English, and that’s only the beginning. Based on research, 67% of the videos on prominent YouTube channels are in another language. Two-thirds of the papers (67 percent) are written in foreign languages, while the rest (75 percent) are written in English. Although there are fewer English-language videos than in other languages, a survey found that they received four times as many views.

YouTube records Millions and Billions of Views Daily

A staggering one billion hours of video are watched every day on YouTube, resulting in billions of views. There are some discrepancies in the data. If everyone on the earth watched videos for the same amount of time, the typical person would spend 8.4 minutes a day doing so. It only helps to strengthen the video’s image as a dependable content source because of this enormous number. Google searches for “how to” have risen by 70% in the past year alone, according to searchengineland.com. So, in order to learn something new, people are increasingly turning to video content. Video consumption is on the increase, making it a sensible decision for firms to include video in their marketing efforts. There are several methods to get started creating YouTube videos. You may want to consider setting up a YouTube channel where you can interact with your viewers and address their issues and queries. If you have an e-commerce site, you could think about putting up product videos on YouTube so that your clients can see what you have to offer. Including an e-commerce link on your YouTube channel will make it simpler for clients to find you on the internet. The best time of day to post YouTube videos is during a certain time of the day when your audience is most likely to watch them.

YouTube Records a Total of Over 500 Hours of Video Uploaded To the Platform Every Minute

Over 500 hours of video are added to YouTube each and every minute. There are 30,000 hours of video transmitted per hour. 720,000 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every day. To put that in perspective, it would take you almost 82 years to view all of the videos on YouTube in a single sitting. That’s a lot of time watching YouTube videos. In comparison to the amount of time spent viewing YouTube videos, these statistics are nothing. With new videos being uploaded to YouTube every minute, it’s no wonder that the channel’s popularity is growing. Consequently, businesses can no longer ignore YouTube. Businesses can benefit from YouTube in a variety of ways, including attracting new customers and promoting their products and services via videos.

YouTube is the most viewed channel in the United States among Digital Video Content Viewers

Digital video consumption in the United States has shifted away from conventional news organizations to social networking sites like Facebook and YouTube. More than nine in ten people in the United States go to YouTube to view online videos. Only 60 percent of US digital video users use Facebook, but YouTube is utilized by more than 90 percent. According to the results of the poll, Instagram has a market share of 35%, followed by Twitter (21%) and Snapchat (8%). Millennials and Generation Z are recognized for their love of digital video and their willingness to share it with others, so brands can leverage these social networks to reach them. CNN, the most popular online news station in the United States, is watched by barely 17% of digital content consumers in the United States.

Q. Which country has the highest proportion of its population using YouTube?

In April 2022, India had more monthly active users on YouTube than any other country, according to the latest available data. In the United States, there are around 247 million individuals who use YouTube. Indonesia came in the third position, with 139 million YouTube subscribers, behind only the United States and the United Kingdom.

YouTube has become an online powerhouse attracting 2.1 billion monthly active users all around the world. Projections continue to show YouTube is just the beginning, with the projected amount of users increasing each year. Daily active users are approximately 122 million which make up a small part of YouTube’s thriving user base

Q. How many videos are on YouTube right now?

According to blogcadre, Video on YouTube have reached a record high after recently surpassing the 33.6 billion mark. This made them the most uploaded videos online and we can only expect the numbers to go up from here.


Video streaming over the internet has become commonplace. You and your organization need to be aware of these key YouTube statistics if you want to make the most of YouTube’s marketing potential. Assuming that you’ve read this list of 2022 YouTube statistics, you now have a better idea of why and how to spend money on YouTube and how to make the most of that money.

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