Translating the business requirements to Technical Requirements is a major part of the job. But it doesn’t refer to a role but it refers to a person, a product manager who has a technical/science background and works on a technical product and unlike a Product Manager who has a commerce/arts background. Usually, Product Managers in companies are supposed to focus on Product Management. But some companies require Product Managers to understand the company’s technology at a very deep level. They are required to interact with the development team in order to come up with a good strategy for the product, and in order to attract the right candidates, companies refer to this role as Technical Product Manager, and it is a necessity that they bridge the gap between the business side and the technical side.

What are the responsibilities of a Technical Product Manager?

As one already knows that Technical PM is involved in the development part of the product. But does it mean they are less involved in the strategy part of the product? No! The word “Technical” just refers to the background the candidates come from which allows them to have a different perspective when faced with a challenge and as an added they are familiar with the company’s technology it helps them to find the best solution to problems, apart from this they have a lot more responsibilities. While Product Managers for a product research usually talk to customers for a better understanding of their needs which helps them make their product better. Technical PMs connect with the Design teams and the engineering teams and this is due to their technical background, they understand the technical needs and bridge it to business needs and convey its value to the people who may not work closely with it. This distinctive feature allows them to work with both the customers and the product development team and it is their responsibility to find the middle ground to please both the sides.

They also have to help define the roadmap for the product and also the product strategy and they also have to co-ordinate with the sales, development and engineering teams for product releases. Also, the job description may vary according to the industry the company operates in and also depends on the size of the product and the engineering team and their capabilities.

Advantages of having a PM with a technical background

-Due to their expertise in the science/engineering field, they can analyze things with depth. -It helps them recognize tech trends and are able to analyze how they affect the product roadmap.

Disadvantages of having a PM with a technical background

-A PM with a technical background may be well versed with science and the technical aspects of the company but they may be weak in business strategies which may turn out to be bad for the company. And it so happens that sometimes they become more involved with the engineering team and may end up ignoring their other responsibilities.

Who is a Growth Manager?

Well, it is no mystery that every company wants to grow and there are always opportunities, And someone who is able to find that opportunity and helps them make the best of that opportunity and that someone is Growth Manager, and it is a growth manager who helps the company grow. By definition, a Growth Manager is someone who sets goals and fronts the team helping them reach these goals.

What are the responsibilities of a Growth Manager?

A Growth manager is mainly responsible for leading the team and helping them achieve their goals and thus helping the company grow, but this is not an easy process, it is a very tedious one which may be time-consuming but the results are worth it. They have to work with every department to identify and find out different growth opportunities throughout the company and accordingly they have to come up with ways to seize opportunities. And then prioritize the needs of the company as per growth and work with different teams such as the engineering team and the designing team to execute tests to gauge the growth and make adjustments accordingly and after all this, they structure a growth process. Also, companies before hiring Growth Managers it is important that they make sure that their product is completely ready and that the audience they’re targeting loves the product. As the work of a Growth Manager starts only after your product is completely developed, it is only then when opportunities start opening up when the target customers acquire the product. Sometimes there are Growth teams led by Growth Manager, this team consists of different roles, all of them dedicated to growth. Usually, the growth team consists of a Growth Manager, Growth Leader, Growth Product Manager, Growth Data Analyst, and a Growth Designer. All of them are different roles by nature but working only toward the growth of the company.

The job of the Growth Manager

The job of a Growth Manager in a company is divided into three important sections, firstly, to help define the companies growth plan and secondly to plan and execute growth programs and finally make sure that they funnel all the revenue.

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