The report also mentions that this is a similar situation to what Microsoft and Nokia found themselves in recently. I will add BlackBerry to that list. However, while Microsoft, Nokia and BlackBerry invested huge resources in attempting to gain the US market – and failed – Sony will be spending most of its resources on the markets where it has deep roots. A sensible decision, in my opinion. If you haven’t read it yet, please read my articles, What Shall It Profit a Brand to Gain the US and Lose the World? and One business lesson from the smartphone bloodbath. Every weak, small or troubled mobile maker who has attempted to succeed by taking on the US market has failed at it. Every one of them. Microsoft. Nokia. BlackBerry. It is a futile attempt. The way to go is to succeed by pushing in the markets where you have strengths, attain a position of strength, and then take on the US market from that position. That was how Samsung did it. Nothing else will do. I am glad to see someone take the different approach. No; it does not guarantee success, but trying to take on the US market from a position of weakness is a suicide mission.

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