Below are some of its key features:

Files searching  by name, extension, and Fulltext search INSIDE: PDFs, Office, ebooks , etc.Contacts search by name, notes, emails, phones, postal addresses, organization.Google Query Suggestions – get query suggestions to take your search online.Highly tolerant of keyboard typos and misspellings.Search files By Metadata – Search MS Office 2007+ and OpenOffice documents, Music songs, and video files by Author, Title, Artist, Album.Recently Modified Files View – Care about recent files like pictures you took today, files you downloaded a minute ago, a document you recently edited? See them regardless of the folder they’re in, with the innovative fast flat view of all files in the device SD card, sorted by when they were modifiedRecently Installed Apps View – So you could easily get to the app you installed two days ago but can’t remember its name.

… and the list goes on and on. Download Andro Search HERE

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