Simply put, the higher the website ranks, the more traffic it’s going to receive. The more traffic a website will receive, the more potential sales you’re going to make.

Does Google Prefer WordPress sites?

In a word, no. Google doesn’t care about how the website is created, so much as it wants to find unique, engaging, and relevant information for the search results. Google cares about content. When creating blogs, articles, or information for your website, you must have value to offer your readers. Long gone are the days of keyword stuffing and SEO tactics that pulled results based on specific percentages of words.

How can I rank higher on Google?

Improving your Google ranking isn’t a process that happens overnight, but it is possible with continued effort. You’ll want to ensure that your website is optimized for on-site search engine optimization (SEO). SEO occurs on every page throughout your website (which can be accessed through WordPress plugins). Once you’ve improved the SEO on your pages, you’ll want to ensure that all blog articles or content is complete too. Any new content created needs to be established for readability and your audience instead of writing for keywords. Users are more likely to return if the written content is comprehensive and well-written. You’ll also want to pay attention to relevant searches for your industry. While not every article should be written for current inquiries (unless you’re a current news website), having regularly produced content will help index your website regularly. Backlinking is another popular method of building online credibility (as Google wants to identify reliable sites). The popular search engine uses the number of backlinks as a way of helping determine the site’s credibility. After all, multiple websites aren’t going to link to a website with false or misleading information. To start building backlinks, consider reaching out to online companies or blogs and asking them for product reviews, mutual backlinking, or start building out organically.

Does Google care about anything else?

Site relevance, functionality, and speed are also significant when it comes to Google search results too. After all, visitors want easily accessible information that loads quickly. Outside of the content on your website, making sure the website is performing at optimal levels should be the next step. Check to ensure that your one page website template is complete, with all needed files and functionality running smoothly. Make sure that all plugins used on the site are up-to-date and necessary. Spend a few minutes removing and deleting unnecessary plugins, as they can cause speed issues with the website. To optimize your Google search rankings, maximize the functionality of your site through your hosting. Consider switching your website to WordPress hosting. A WordPress host is specifically tailored to the backend settings. This hosting brings custom solutions, support, and services to WordPress performance, which can increase your site’s speed and functionality long-term.

Submit Your Website for Indexing

All search engines will regularly crawl the internet for new content or information, but it can’t find your website if it doesn’t know it exists. Typically, this detection is completed automatically, but you can manually submit your site. If you’re using a WordPress website, check under the reading category (under settings) to ensure the search engine visibility is unchecked. While the box is checked, it excludes your website from Google search results. You’ll only want to uncheck the box if you’ve entirely updated your website. Do not request indexing if you have filler text, duplicate content, or blank pages. This may harm your long-term ability to rank on Google results down the road. Make sure you save the changes before you exit the page.

Allow Your Site to Mature

New websites come and go, but websites that have been around a while are more likely to rank higher on search results. That’s because a website established in 2008 is expected to have higher viewership, credibility, and longevity than a new website. Google wants to send traffic to websites with traffic, content, and long-term growth. That doesn’t mean your website won’t appear in searches; you’ll have to let your site mature before seeing any noticeable improvement.

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