Learning the basics of any language is a difficult path to take on, but fortunately, the books that are on our disposal became much more engaging and adapted to be understandable by most. If you delve into Core Java, everything that comes after that will be much easier. If you are looking to start your hike from the bottom to the top of the java-piled mountain, you may as well check these books to be your trailheads. These books are written by immensely talented Java programmers and easy to follow.

1. Head First Java

2. Learn Java in One Day And Learn it Well

3. Effective Java

4. Think Java: How To Think Like Computer Scientist

5. Introduction to Java Programming: Brief Version

6. Java: A beginner’s guide

7. Building Java Programs: A Beginner’s Guide

8. Java: The Complete Reference

9. Java: How to Program

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That was the list of top 9 Java books that will help you get into the world of coding the most popular language there is. Hope this list will help you in your search! If you have anything to add, feel free to comment. The method of this book is 80% in visual – which is known to be a better way to ‘lecture’ in the modern world which the brain more and more adapts to acquiring information from images. Everything important is visual, and where the text is needed, it is usually connected to the picture, which helps with the memorizing process. The tasks and challenges given to you in the book are very well thought off and are based on some creative problems and solutions. It will help your brain adapt to the real obstacles you may encounter while programming Java. Even though the book is yet to be refreshed with some new add-ons and updates, you will learn all the basics that will help you watch the world from java-tinted glasses. This is a great step-by-step guide with a lot of practical exercises and it is written for a complete newbie so you will have no trouble understanding it. The book is meant for people who believe it is a tough challenge to learn Java from scratch and in that way it communicates with you. If you are a beginner, you will enjoy browsing through this book and feeling that you are absorbing a lot of new information, and while it is meant exactly for that, it will not satisfy someone who is already into Java for some time. There are a lot of nice tasks for you to do and the book can be used as a stand-alone beginners guide, but also as an added batch of assignments for you to exercise with. You will find this book really convenient in both electronic and paperback form, it is easy to read and you may find yourself scrolling through it while you are in a restaurant or in your free time. If you are a beginner, you will find what you’re looking for, but there are also some practices for more experienced heads. Definitely a good book for some mental muscling and forming a perspective about the language. Think Java is written in an academic language and it is a serious book but is meant for beginners and people who have no experience in coding. Because of that, it is included in this list and you will have a good time studying it. If you thoroughly use it step-by-step you will definitely feel your improvement very soon. This book is written in a somewhat simple language, tries to be on-point and brief and you will hardly find anything redundant. It will make you think, and it will make you work. The book is methodical, and while explaining in detail everything – from creating a program in Java to keywords and constructs. It also has some more advanced levels of Java so if you feel you have reached a certain level, this book will still prove to be useful. The new version includes Java 9, and it is definitely one of the most complete books about Java that you will find online. The price of the book is maybe too high if you think you’re unsure about Java, but you will definitely find a lot of useful information here. A little downside to the book is that it has a lot of text and not a lot of images which some people may find repulsive. All in all, a good book for a lot of low levels, from absolute beginners to a little bit more advanced. It can be used as a reference book, as well a core. I am including it since it is probably the best reference book you will find and sooner or later you will have to reach out for help. It is as complete as a book can be, and it will be your reliable ally in Java journey. I recommend that you get this book as soon as possible because you will need it sooner rather than later! It has great in depth-analysis, object processing and sometimes recommends you to consult online for help in solving some problems you are given to overcome in this book. Overall an interesting read for people that enjoy being challenged. You will hardly get bored if that’s the case!

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