Much, much  better!  Well, fear not folks because you are in for some good news! Technology expanded through the ages has given you a literal menu of solutions to choose from. All YOU got to do is select what works for you and proceed. And what would we find on that menu ? The magic word is Discord Bots !

So Discord Bots? What are they?

Typically, Discord is a proprietary free-ware VoIP application and digital distribution platform designed for video gaming communities. It specializes in text, image, video and audio communication between users in a chat channel . The platforms that Discord runs on include Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, Linux, and in web browsers. To summarize, Discord Bots are a type of bots which enhance the functioning of a server. They operate by getting into your server and leveling up your standard performance by a notch. Need I say anymore, about how important it is that you are well aware of all them Best Discord Bots out there? After much digging and searching we have made a list of 12 of the best Discord Bots you can install onto your server. Get ready to be impressed when your server performance takes a major hike ! And when one says hike we are talking Everest Levels of a Hike. The first of the best Discord Bots we would like to divert our attention to is Serum. Serum provides you with the chance to gain access to a variety of functions all at the command of your voice! So say goodbye to the days you’d minimize your game screens just to input a command. Say goodbye to all half baked user experiences. Actually say goodbye to even the minor levels of exhaustion you would have otherwise be giving your fingers! You focus on your gaming and let the talking do the talking (hehe) Even among the Best Discord Bots out there Serum most certainly is a front runner in terms of popularity , efficiency AND user friendliness. Given everything that was mentioned above is it even a surprise ? Here is a fun fact : Zandercraft holds the title of the most favorited Discord Bot of all the Discord Bots available for servers. Ergo, it found its way to our list of Best Discord Bots. And never without reason, reader. Zandercraft solely focuses on efficiency, productivity, entertainment factors, GIFs, Chars and more relevant and fun activities. You could be a music junkie or you could be an ordinary guy/girl who wants to watch your XHD videos or play your Hi Fi Music in one of the most convenient ways possible. Say no more, friend. Zandercraft is the best Discord Bot for you. And while the streak is running hot go favorite it ! You’d know Zandercraft deserved it when you use it ! Dungeons and Dragons ? Close enough . This good boy has earned a reputation in the server neighbourhood as one of the most helpful discord bots available . And on a plus side ,it’s not just helpful… it’s loads fun to use too ! Heck, you could say it takes away the hassle and speeds up the hustle. So here’s how it works. The users of Discord Dungeons are provided with the chance to play their games within a RPG dungeon after downloading the app. Once you install Discord Dungeons on the server, you will figure out that all the users are provided with the opportunity to play in a variety of platforms. These will  include mobile apps and desktop clients as well. By playing on all these platforms, the players will be able to stay connected to the server at all times. What’s more is, all the players are provided with the chance to take part in trading activities; that is buy and sell new items( yeah kidding) and battle against all the odds and other users using to the server. To be honest, helpful comes as an understatement but yes; do give Discord Dungeons a try for a super enhanced gaming experience. Out of general curiosity though.. any Dungeons and Dragons Fans out there ? Let us point out the obvious. MeMezBot is the Best Discord Bot List candidate where all them meme lovers go to for their Server needs . Dank Memes , Good memes , Bad memes… you name it; Meme Lord MeMezBot has got em all for you. So if you just love to keep awake through the darkest nights fighting the constant agonies of the real world with the powers of positivity and laughs that memes bring you… you need yourself a Memezbot. Was reading through the ‘ Commands and What it does’ for Memezbot a while back and this was pretty much what I got.   Food for thought though; could this article be a meme one day ? Happy meming friends. An interactive bot designed to be installed onto your server and serve as a server owner, this discord bot is claimed as one of the best Discord bots to stream media content on a regular basis. With this discord bot you can stay constantly notified on those who are linked to your server and who are streaming through. (Did you just read that with an AI voice in your head ?) A large number of online streaming platforms, such as Beam, YouTube and Twitch can be integrated into Couch Bot to experience live streaming. On the other hand, this discord bot can also be used for the purpose of sending messages to the server instantly. Say suppose you are trying to upload some new content onto your Youtube channel this Discord Bot will give you the assistance you need. When you have installed Couch Bot, you will also be provided with the chance to take complete control over it. On the other hand, it can assist the owner of the server to interact along with the viewers through various commands. Due to this reason, people who are constantly engaging in content streaming have purchased Couch Bot. You could say they’ve practically fallen in love with what they are getting from it. So us from our end ? We highly recommend it. Here’s why you should and would love Dyno bot. First of all if you are a server owner with a new server you will be able to immediately incorporate Dyno, increasing your servers capabilities in the highest levels of convenience. Also , let’s not forget it’s wide array of capabilities. Taking control of all available features with a dedicated dash board , anti-spam/auto moderation, role management, custom commands, music, and many more that will greatly simplify managing your server and provide additional features for your members. It really is quite useful without a doubt. Say suppose you are looking to use a public Discord Server it wouldn’t be too far fetched to say that StahpDozAds is the best Discord Bot for said purpose. With this Gift of mankind to mankind you’d be able to block out a large number of links in addition to performing auto kicks and auto bans. With almost zero effort, mind you. You’ll be able to get StahpDozAds to ban them on the basis of offensive content or not.  Furthermore  you can install StahpDozAds on multiple servers. This is is a perk. For instance you you will be able to set up links which you would consider as the whitelisted links. then you’d be able to define the blacklisted links as well. Fun fact : you can ban people who publish black listed links more regularly . You gotta love a server that makes life easy, eh? One simply can’t have a Best Discord Bots list without Tatsumaki in it. It is an extremely useful discord bot in which you (the user) will be able to enhance your engagement on the server. What essentially takes place is ; once users are logged in Tatsumaki will proceed to urge the users to interact with each other . Talk about an enhanced experience! Moreover all the users are allowed access to a comprehensive scoring system . Remember how we talked about enhanced user engagement a bit ago ? Yeah. That’s the scoring system at play . You’ll be able to create a board for all the leaders with their server scores on Tatsumaki after which all the users will try their best to be on top of this Leaderboard. Last but no less importantly Tatsumaki is endowed with the ability to integrate results from Reddit threads and Google search results to place them on the RSS feed. Just take a moment to appreciate how much of a saving of time and effort Tatsumaki has resulted in . You could take a break, grab a coffee or maybe go to that new sushi stand that opened last week ? DueUtil bot is pretty much your handyman in this verse of bots. Why you ask ? Because this Best Discord Bot is equipped with with a large array of fun filled features which promote maximum user engagement. You an online player? Then use DueUtil to create your weapons to plough through absolutely  any quest. And that’s not all. The players are also provided with the chance to customize their profiles in accordance with their specific preferences. Impressed ? Well we haven’t even come to the most astonishing part of this DueUtil Bot business. YOU GET THE CHANCE TO GET POINTS AND REWARDS JUST BY STAYING ACTIVE. It is kind of like getting paid for just going to work. Pretty neat huh ? The rewards and points that you gain will be usable later when you fight against other players. Good luck gamers ! Get ‘DueUtilized’ and kick some major butt! Phew. And here we are. At the end of our list. If you ever did wonder at any point to get a hold of a multi-purpose discord bot, GAwesome is worth considering. It’s one of the most powerful bots out there and to put the cherry on the top it is customizable . Like all good bots GAWESOME will empower you with the ability to moderate your chats. You know.. you could ban those all-knowing users ( the pesty kind) and kick them whenever you want to!  A positive aspect is that you can award ranks to players. Just add to that the fact that you can generate sick memes , conduct polls, gather community opinion and conduct giveaways among the players. You don’t call this baby a multi-purpose discord bot for no reason folks. And that concludes our list ladies and gentleman , boys and girls. The Top 12 Discord Bots (as of 2018 ) until and unless of course some other Discord Bot comes into the scene and does a little rank snatching ! When that happens of course we will be the first to let you know!