But after enduring a full month of the hair-dryer treatment on this matter, I began to think about how many times someone like me has got into this mess. Somehow, I feel this incident was caused in some measure by my seeming addiction to my phone. I usually prefer doing Facebook on my laptop rather than on my phone. That’s where I missed it. As I pondered the consequence of my actions this year and thought it’s best to start strategizing on how to make a big comeback next year. Now, all the ideas here are things you can easily do with your phone within a few minutes.So here are my suggestions on how to turn the tables and make an impression of a lifetime while scoring geek points on your girlfriend’s birthday.

  1. Trend her Twitter: Give her Celebrity status for a day using tweets. Hashtag her name on Twitter and make her trend for a day.
  2. Gangnam Style: Do a YouTube video and post it on her Facebook page. Share with all your friends and her friends by tagging them.
  3. Blog about it!: Do an hourly blog about her on blog spot about all the things you love about her using the Blogger app.
  4. Instagram in Code: Get a digital artist to do a rendition of her image in code, then post it on Instagram. Follow this up by tagging the image with links to it on your blog about her. Very geeky, eh? (wink wink)
  5. Create an app about her and get as many people as possible to download it. Then push all your birthday content on her via the app. Touchdown! Now, I know I promised 10 geeky points in this article, but then I thought these ideas are too cool to leak out. I probably should be paid for this (lol). And since I know she’ll read this article, the surprise might be ruined if I let all 10 cats out of the bag. So I challenge you guys out there to come up with other cool ideas. You can share them in the comments.

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