Now Netflix has released original films much to viewers liking. Customers have raved about original movies. Although you know that you want to catch a movie for the night, having to choose a movie out of an endless list is difficult. Instead of clicking around for a long period of time, here is the list of top 10 Netflix original movies.

10. Okja

Okja is a meaningful, unique and enticing film about a girl who has befriended a creature that is at the risk of being taken away for experimentation’s and then the slaughterhouse. Beautifully cast, She is a Korean and English film set in the jungles. The film exploits images of what it is like to be an endangered animal. You don’t want to miss this movie when switching from movie description to another in your Netflix search. It is heartwarming, funny, suspenseful and a memorable message for all viewers.

9. Gerald’s Game

Stephan King has written some suspenseful stories. Released in 2017, Gerald’s Game is not for the faint of heart, especially those with triggers. However, it is a must watch easily putting you on the edge of your seat. It’s tough to stop watching even when cringing. Trapped in handcuffs to a bed, Jessie (Carla Gugino) must fight for her life to survive the inevitable as she flashes back to a traumatic event from her childhood. Gugino is not to be missed as she delivers an outstanding performance. Gerald’s Game is a tough watch. The subject matter can turn viewers away but it is so worth a watch to witness the scary energy from author Stephan King.

8. 1922

In another successful adaptation of one of Stephen King’s profounding stories, 1922 is based on a man’s decision to kill his wife for the benefit of financial gain. He soon regrets it when he is haunted by his own wife for his regrettable decision. From the instant 1922 begins, viewers are immediately on the edge of their seats. 1922 is beautifully acted under wonderful direction by Zak Hilditch. Be warned about jump scares and terrifying moments. Still, it’s hard to resist a good Stephan King adaptation.

7. Dumplin’

Directed by Anne Fletcher, Dumplin’ a beautiful, powerful, and heartwarming story about a plus-sized teenager, Willowdeen (nicknamed Dumplin’ by her mother) joins a beauty pageant. Since her mother has competed in a multitude of beauty pageants, Willowdean vows to make a new mark on beauty pageants. If you are in need of a smile, She will do the trick. It is an inspiring film about women. It doesn’t matter what you look like or your background. If you’re a Dolly Parton fan then this film is a treat for you. Starring Danielle Macdonald, Jennifer Aniston, and other well-known faces you will enjoy Dumplin’ from start to finish.

6. Wine Country

As soon as Wine Country starts you’ll be laughing until the very end. A group of women gets together to celebrate a fiftieth birthday bash in wine country. This newly released Netflix film is an endearing story about friendship. No friendship is perfect. Nor is life. Cast with phenomenal comedic actors, Wine Country is a great story. Get together with all your girlfriends to enjoy this film. The women’s friendship is realistic and never misses a beat. Definitely a must see.

5. Pee-Wee’s Big Holiday

Remember your old pal Pee-wee? he is back for another grand adventure. He has never been on a vacation! The man goes on an epic adventure to have a fun adventure meeting new friends and getting himself into situations that only could happen to Pee-wee. Netflix gives actor Paul Reubens one final chance to deliver another story to his fans. One of the best parts about Netflix is that movies don’t always have to be released to the big screen when they can be cherished by any audience.

4. Hold the Dark

Are you looking for a suspenseful film to watch? Look no more! Hold the Dark is a suspenseful original Netflix film about a man who is hired to find a six-year-old boy who has gone missing in the freezing Alaskan wilderness. Beautiful cinematography, an epic cast, and a powerful message about the definition of bravery. Anyone is brave. Viewers are in for an epic adventure traveling through the Alaskan mountains in suspense. Viewer discretion is advised due to thematic elements.

3. To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before

What is love? Love is a crazy adventure especially when you’re a young adult trying to understand the world. Directed by Susan Johnson in 2014, the story is a must-see for all audiences. You never know who you may fall in love with. The message is endearing and important. Anyone can fall in love with anyone. Don’t base it on ethnicity, sexuality, or background. Based on the best selling novel, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is a meaningful and comedic picture. Find it on Netflix now.

2. Tallulah

In this comedy-drama starring Ellen Page, a homeless lonely young woman takes the baby that belonged to her ex-boyfriend’s mother. In this endearing and provocative story, Tallulah must learn about love and what is right. Decisions are one of the toughest in life. Filled with fantastic performances by Ellen Page and Allison Janney, audiences are for a wild and emotional ride. Go to Netflix now and watch. It’s not what you expect.

1. To the Bone

To the Bone is a 2017 film directed by Marti Noxon centering around an anorexic 20-year-old girl trying to find some solution to help her recover to those who are struggling, It is a motivational film. We are not alone in our battles. Tremendously acted, an outstanding story and a powerful message for all viewers to hear, To The Bone, will become a favorite in an instant. We can’t let others suffer. Together we can help others through mental and physical illness.

Right order to watch Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies Top 10 Horror & Scary Movies of All Time

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